aanhef blog

aanhef blog

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Secret Love Hat

Anymore Summer Romper grey
uRbAn GiRl Maya skin & Emma lips - Vine
S.R (Sacred Roses) Summer hat w/color change & lover's menu (yeah all in one ^^), which is an item of the Flawless Summer Lovin Hunt
Pose used: Miamai Model Pose Strategies

Sorry not much time to write a lot of text coz I am supa busy with preparing the new exhibit at Nitroglobus Gallery which will start next week. 
More info to come in one of the next blog posts.

Wish you all a supa weekend (yeah I know bit early but I am having a loooong weekend away; lucky me ^^)

dikke kus

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Dancing the nite away

Yesterday Nitro and I went dancing at Element 8th Club

Wearing my new LeeZu Mali mesh dress/India which is  supa sexy; i.e. showing a lot of my pixel body. It comes in many lovely color settings and with a tiny pair of diamond pantys, which look more like a small leaf  ^^
It's a nicely made, high quality dress with great details and textures (for instance the see through lace on the body: super!). Thanks Barbara!

Furthermore wearing:
DRD mesh kneeboots black
Truth hair Rhonda

dikke kus

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Stay with me

Awww, I love this photo of Nitro, my partner and me standing in the fog and staring at the ocean. I used Juxtapose 'Stay with me'; great pose!

Wearing ALEIDA I Elizabeth gown red/black. I Elizabeth gown comes with short as well as long skirt and in many different layers. To me it has a 'spanish' flavor; flamengo is what comes to mind, which I love muchly coz I used to study Flamengo dances ^^. Especially the back of the skirt is awesome with all the black bows.

Red shoes are G*Field Alex, skin Izzie's Brianna, hair Elikatira Abbey Red, Mayfly Liquid Light mesh eyes Rainshower shadow.
dikke kus

Tie a yellow ribbon round a piggy

Tooo short, definitively too short was my visit to Two Fish 'But then the War Came' of Rose Borchovski, a RL as well as SL artist. 

Actually I only saw the beginning of this story of a mother and a child separated by World War II, due to RL calling me. However, I promised myself to return to this inspiring place; too good to miss! 

When I visited I was wearing my new mesh Yukinowaguma outfit called Elcano and although the pics aren't very detailed I did wanna blog this sporty outfit, which is soooooooo easy to slip into: put on the appropriate size and alpha layer and there you go: all in 1, the long sporty white Tee AND the shorts ^^.

dikke kus

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Wow 100.000 hits for this blog!

I accidently noticed this week that almost 100.000 visitors have been visiting this blog site since I started blogging in July 2009. 

Arghhhhhh that's a lot ^^

Just wanted to say thx to all who have been reading my blog posts over the years!

dikke kus 

Wearing new stuff among them my Izzie's skin (just bought it with the help of stern Kooky):
Izzie's Brianna skin redhead edition
Clawtooth Modern Gibson (Dreamy Red) latest FLF item 
Chaos cropped mesh sweater

Friday, 22 June 2012

Little black mesh dress

NEW NEW: a cute mini mesh dress of TwinS FaShIoN called TF*Cloe dress. It comes in many bright colours but I preferred this little black dress ^^

It fits great and I didn't even have to adjust my shape, moves smoothly with my body AND look at the texture. Yeah, I like this mesh dress muchly.

Also showing SaKrO friends simple necklace Female black, which comes in a male and female version.

Pose used: Miamai Model pose Strategies
Photo taken at my Japanese home

dikke kus

Wednesday, 20 June 2012


Alone here in SL, no BF around, blerghhhh dull no fun...  so I composed this cute outfit hey hey girl gotta do something lol ;-)

NEW: Anymore June Jens edit JF (June festival) cool pants!
Crazy Arena day & night (shirt part of outfit)
SHINE mesh satchel bag Retro

From my closet:
VC Designs C-006 belt (part of outfit)

SLink Jolie Pied barefeet
Angelic Tattoo Freedom
Truth Kalle w/roots mahogany
League Sia skin Medium Bloom
Mayfly Liqued Light Eyes rainshower shadow
TonkTastic Fingerless gloves biker black
PeppermintBlue cellframe glasses marbleblue
Acide Jam Grey piercing
Mandala Takara bangle buddha blue
Kosh 3 missing locks bracelet
Hapy Finds Dark Owl necklace
Miel Echo necklace
Diapop dp necklace
Glow studio Dove necklace black
Water fire diamond ring (made by Nitro)

dikke kus

Tuesday, 19 June 2012


Nitro is away on a RL business trip :-( but yeah he managed to be here this evening very shortly, long enough to hold me on Juxtapose - Breathless.

Showing: a NEW skin called ZOE milk 1, the Group Gift of Step inSide skins. As well as Souffle SummerLove outfit, which I bought at TDR (The Dressing Room). The skirt is mesh, the top comes in undershirt and shirt layer. I feel very very very pinkish ^^

The hair is one of my Truth faves called Kalle 2; wearing mahogany w/roots
Furthermore wearing:
Mayfly Liquid Light eyes Rainshower shadow
Angelic Tattoo Freedom
Acide! GSP 7.1 piercing Jam Grey
erratic cuff silver (bracelet)
Kosh 3 missing locks bracelet
TonkTastic Fingerless biker gloves black

dikke kus

Photos taken at Angel Labs, Costa Blanco (my awesome home sim)

Congrats to Hot Stuff

Hot Stuff celebrates their 900 membership with a skin called; Who's that Girl'. Many more items like bra, thong and eyes (not shown) in the same folder. Here's your taxi to the store. The group is free to join. 

I am wearing the top and pearl necklace of the Hot Stuff So Good outfit, which comes with black shorts, a dark eyeshadow and a fishnet jacket layer.
So Good! Red is the new prize of the midnigth mania.
dikke kus

Sunday, 17 June 2012

LeeZu! awesome as always

This evening I visited LeeZu!. Now LeeZu is an old time fav designer of me. I have closets full of her clothes. When I visit her shop I always wanna buy all.
This evening I went to look at a mesh dress, however ended up with this cute pink outfit, that I wanted to buy long ago but for some reason didn't.
Wearing: LeeZu! Keahi top & Manoa micro skit both in pink. Love it!

Furthermore wearing:
Crazy Atura Mesh rigged boots black
TonkTastic biker gloves black
Mayfly liquid light eyes rainshower shadow
Redmint skin pale no. 7
Acide GSP7.1 Jam grey piercing
Repulse eat me stomach wound tattoo
Truth Kalle 2 w/roots mahogany
uRbAn GiRl emma lips vine (lipstick)
VC Design C-006 leg belt (part of outfit)

dikke kus

Dalmatian shirt/dress & Crazy mesh boots

Wow mesh Dalmatian long sweater/mini dress from C&P Casual Wear; I like it! Combined it with my new awesome Crazy Atura mesh rigged boots black.

dikke kus 

Opening Party at Nitroglobus Gallery

Nitro, Dannyboyo and I

Last Thursday, 14th June we had a great party at Nitroglobus Gallery for the opening of the exhibit of Dannyboyo his art work. Tutsy gave us all colourfull slugs; fun fun fun!
Thanks all for visiting!
dikke kus

Saturday, 16 June 2012

G*Field GG & FLF GLOW lashes

Yeah a new Group Gift of G*Field; the mesh Halter Bow Romper in blue. Cute and high quality as all Cerberus her items!
New are also the Glow Studio Ultimate eyelashes  (FLF.... yeah it's back!)

NEW FLF Glow Studio Ultimate eyelashes combined with AMD Ultimate lashes double wings & awesome Mayfly mesh eyes

Furthermore wearing:
Truth hair Cynthia w/roots - pumpkin (last weeks release)
uRbAn GiRl emma lips vine (lipstick)
AMD ultimate lashes double wing
RedMint skin pale no. 07
Mayfly liquid light eyes Rainshower shadow
TonkTastic biker gloves black
Angelic Tattoo Freedom

Have a great weekend!
dikke kus

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Opening Party at Nitroglobus Gallery

Short notice, BUT hey it's worthwhile; soooo you are all invited to come to Dannyboyo his opening party tomorrow, Thursday 14th June from 0.30 - 2.30 pm SLT (21.30 - 23.30 hrs GMT + 1: i.e. Paris/Amsterdam time) at Nitroglobus Gallery.

Dannyboyo, a RL artist is using this exhibit as a trial run for a larger exploration and hopes for input of visitors. After viewing his work, you will recognize by some of the more obvious pieces that this is a body of work from manipulations of pornographic imagery.  However, Danny his interest in these images goes beyond whatever erotic appeal there might be. 

That porn exists is a phenomenon of who we are as a society. The majority of images found on the Internet or men's magazines are seldom associated with high art as much as just a means for sexual stimulation. Yet porn creates such strong reactions both positive and negative  - some crave it, some abhor and demonize it. With all that emotion there is something to be learned. 
The images range from where the original content is still obvious to where that content is removed, leaving only the exaggerated shape and color. 

Note: recognizing there are many societal problems associated with pornography, this show does not address them, focusing only on the appeal that the shapes, colors and subject matter might bring. 

Nitro & I invite you all to come and join us celebrating this opening, form your opinion and pass it to the artist.

There will be champagne and live music for all!
Cu tomorrow evening!

dikke kus
Nitro & Dido
taxi to Nitroglobus Gallery  


When my friend Mina saw me dressed up like this she said 'you look like Chantal J.' (a Dutch musical star) and later on she called me 'candarelletje' (sweetener).
Anyway, it's true I look supa sweet in my new coldLogic mesh dress London in scarlet (red). Wow this dress is so nicely made and it fits great (had to reduce my small tits to tiny but who cares ^^)

I used Del May (DM) 'Mime' poses, which have been created for the 'Mime project' to match the theme of the UGLY DUCK skin.   

Furthermore wearing:
Truth hair mesh Leticia w/roots champagne
Maitreya mesh Radical boots red reptile
!SSD Frils - bijou Roulette earrings & princess necklace (part of set)
Mayfly Liquid light eyes rainshower shadow
Redmint skin pale no. 07
COCO hat red
XTC shirley gloves and bracelet
erratic cuff silver
uRbAnGiRl tattoo layer Emma Lips - vine (lipstick)

dikke kus

Monday, 11 June 2012

Agent C-006 (Closing Sale at VC Designs)


Hey don't I look smecky today wearing my newly acquired Vanilla C. (VC) Designs C-006 outfit ?
After nearly five years of creating and designing in Second Life, Vanilla Chemistry is closing her shop. There is a final Closing Sale at the mainstore from 8th June till June/July (closing date to be determined). All products are discounted with maximum price of L$ 100.
Taxi to Vanilla C Designs 

Moreover wearing one of the four new Truth hairs of this week Leticia w/roots in pumpkin; another supa mesh hair! Thanks Truth, you are the best!

Yeah new lovely eyes from Mayfly - Liquid Light eyes Rainshower shadow. I turned into a Mayfly fan lately. Love their mesh eyes.

Last but not least are the New DRD (Death Row Design) black mesh kneeboots. Wow, these boots are really supa AND not expensive at all. I think I will return to DRD and buy all colors ^^
dikke kus

DRD mesh leather kneeboots (great value for money!)

Sunday, 10 June 2012

New exhibit at Nitroglobus Gallery

Dannyboyo, a RL artist exhibits new work at Nitroglobus Gallery during the month of June.
What can I tell you about the work of this RL artist, who hides behind the SL name of Dannyboyo?
He told me I could exhibit his work here at our gallery because he was curious what the reactions would be; a sort of try out in a safe environment; i.e. Second Life.

He told me the following: 
'The work I sent you to exhibit represents a fairly large range of styles. 
All are manipulated from pornography, but some are more recognizeable and explicit than others. My hope right now is to get reactions. I want to know what people respond to.' 

I am honoured  Dannyboyo gave us the exclusive right to show his original and awesome work here at our Nitroglobus Gallery! 
You are all invited to visit and give your opinion ^^

dikke kus
Dido Haas

taxi: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Costa%20Blanco/198/117/771

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Slave Vanity

Slave Vanity outfit of the SLAVE DreSSing RooM by Christine Easterling; the outfit exists of many sculpted parts: piercings, bracelets, collar, earrings, thong, top, veil etc.
Pose used: Juxtapose - Say it Right

Mayfly Deep Sky Eyes Hazel Shadow
Munique Bad tattoos don't look at me
[e] Never hair brown 11
uRbAn GiRl Emma lips
HUSH Lilly Natural cream skin

Photos taken at my home sim; Angel Labs, Costa Blanco

dikke kus

Snowpaws Trattino

NEW this lovely Snowpaws Trattino Ruby Sparkle Corset gown. The corset is the mesh part of the outfit and comes in many sizes ... although I had to shrink my (not at all big) breasts to fit into it :-(
The skirt consists of sculpted parts moving nicely around my body and I really love the purple colour.

Furthermore wearing:
uRbAn GiRl - Emma skin tone 01 and lipstick tattoo layer - vine
[e] Never - blonde 11 (VIP collection)

Pose used: Miamai Model Pose Strategies

dikke kus

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Chaos, don't look at me

New cool stuff I like:
Chaos - don't mess with me outfit (all stars, mesh black leather jeans and jacket, which come in many sizes and a long sheer white tee)  
Munique Bad tattoo 'Don't Look at me' GG - FUN!
Urban Girl Emma skin tone 01 & lipstick Vine
using Juxtapose - Daisy Jane Pose (set of 5)

elikatira hair Never - brown 11
Mayfly Deep Sky Eyes Rainshower mesh

dikke kus

And, I give you a song I found in Ake her blog post. Wow I love this one!

Waiting (unplugged version) 

Flora (I am back)

Hey I am back in SL after 3 weeks of RL travelling through the South of Italy, during which I visited a dear SL friend. Yeah SL and RL mixing.
Catching up and starting this evening with showing you a few new items and of course hugging my SL partner and soulmate Nitro ^^

Blue Blood Flora Black outfit
elikatira hair [e]Never in brown 11 (VIP collection)
Urban Girl - Emma skin Tone 01 + tattoo layer Emma lips -  vine
SaKrO Gitana Silver Bangles

From my closet:
Mayfly deeps sky eyes rainshower shadow
[42] Climbing Vines tattoo

dikke kus