aanhef blog

aanhef blog

Monday, 25 January 2010

Royal wedding at Westenguards

Now here is a long story so take a deep breath and .... enjoy.
Thanks so much my dear brother Zen for the awesome story you wrote and for asking me to accompany you to this royal wedding. I loved every minute of it!

Dikke kus

Story by Zen of Westenguard, my brother


This was to be a day to remember, I arrived at the chapel with Lady Dido. We stood in the back as there was no more room, a full turn out for such a Grand day. King Harkan Escorted the Princess in and gave her over to Arkan, the brave Man that had won it in Battle and, from finishing the quest as I did. I met him in battle on the field of honor just 7 days previous, he is an honorable Knight. He bested me and is helping me to learn even more now, like I said Honorable.

As he kneel at the altar and rises to accept the princess's hand, The prince Fion grew very sick, the king stepped in to finish the ceremony but, a lone man Raine of the O'Bellen clan stepped in and he asked to speak. The king allowed it, to find out he was there as a messenger to tell Princess Anu of the love Showkrum had for her. As he asked Anu to stop this wedding and be with Showkrum, the moment grew tense.

Would the man be taken away to the stocks? Anu spoke; she asked for his safety and admitted to the love shared by the two. She sat in tears at the altar, torn by the love for Showkrum and, the duty laid before her to her king and land. After some silence, she spoke; she had decided to follow through with the wedding so her people and king would be served with a man of great skills and honor.

As they left the church there was much rejoicing but, not without some heated tempers, a spell was cast on Raine of the O’Bellen by Now, Prince Arkan. It was a sleep spell, which allowed them a chance to get within the protected walls of the castle.

I made my way to the castle with Lady Dido, as we arrived to the gate we saw King Harkan in the courtyard with a very beautiful woman named Jadzia, she was Elven and, had with her two small babies, twin daughters. As we could not help but overheard due to our distance, the king smiled and held them sharing a smile of joy as they were HIS daughters. She is Elven, there laws direct, that once married, it is for life. She was thought to be lost and, the king remarried. All was not revealed until then that she was alive. I asked the King if Lady Dido and I could join him at the feast, he agreed. This woman Jadzia was also asked to join the festivities so, with daughters in her arms she proceeded to follow the king as we did.

When we arrived at the feast on the top of the castle, we walked into a very disturbing situation. Prince Arkan was on the roof as a Dragon, by him was the man Raine, as I recognized him from the wedding but, also from the tavern. With him was Showkrum Anu's Love. They were both heavily armed and asked to speak with Anu. I was without weapons as ordered by the king for the event; I was helpless to do anything. As I stood there desiring my sword and bow, Showkrum asked to speak to Anu, the king allowed it. Princess Anu reached for his hands and, with my own ears, I heard her say how much she loved him. She explained to him that, this was HER choice, for the sake of the kingdom, she must do her duty. Now without a love to take home, Showkrum and Raine find themselves in great peril. He shouted "I will jump from the wall" afraid for his life, just then Raine stopped him and they found themselves trapped by Arkan, in midflight. Nowhere to run, they stood there helpless, Just then Raine pulls out a green fog of magic and, the two disappeared.

Thinking that the moment was over we looked forward to sitting at the table to feast. It was exquisite, a beautiful table with food everywhere that could be seen, truly fit for a king. Just then, Queen Tess notices the woman Jadzia and, the two small babies with her. She became very flush and, as the truth came out of King Harkan’s wife being alive, she began to stew. As Jedzia mentioned the marriage of her and the king as still valid, Queen Tess became very angry and, heated words were exchange. The words came to blows and, there they were on the roof fighting. Pulling hair and screaming to each other, obscenities not to be spoken by a gentleman such as myself.

As soon as this started, on her wedding day, Anu jumped in between them to stop it. Anna came to her aid with a hidden dagger from her boot. Princess calmed them down some, and then Jadzia agreed to leave. This ended without bloodshed but, for how long was all I could think. Jadzia and the prince left with the Babies, shortly thereafter, with her emotions running rampant, Queen Tess decide to retire and she left. My mouth still open from what had just happened, the king said a few words and, gave the two his blessing but, said he must go after the Queen, they agreed.

After the King had left, Lady Dido decided (as we were all but ignored by the goings on), to leave so we took our leave with heavy hearts. There is much pain on a day that should have been filled with much joy. 

I couldn’t help but wonder for the kingdom, What will come of these two helpless baby girls as they are now in line to the throne, what would become of Queen Tess’s anger as whispers were exchanged between her and Jadzia that no one could hear. What would the life of Princess Anu be without the man she loved and, what would Prince Arkan do to find this Showkrum, what would be his fate? So many questions all without answers, the kingdom has a hole in its heart at the moment and, I fear for the royal future.

This was what I witnessed this day, I can only pray that the king will find a way to bring peace to his own family, as he has for the kingdom. Only time will tell.....

Zen of Westenguard.

As witnessed, this day of our King Harkan, January, 24th

Japan here I come..

As I will be travelling to Japan in May (RL) I decided to get in the mood and visit Japanese sims in SL. I started at the sim of Hosoi Ichiba which is indicated in the overview on the Second Life website as a place worthwhile to visit.
Well it sure is, what an awesome place made with an eye for detail: lots of nice buildings, shops, many things to do, surprising pose balls, not a dull moment.
My friend Michiel joined me and we practised the marterial arts. We had so much fun. 

The music, the atmosphere it felt very Japanese. I took lots of pictures as did Michiel. Here are some to give you an impression of the sim. Do visit it's worthwhile and visit their blog.

A day later when I revisited I met Nani Yifu, she is the manager of the sim and has been for over 2 years. She gave me some tips for further exploring and websites to visit. Could not help taking these pics.

Dikke kus

Friday, 22 January 2010

OOC II - Westenguard revisited

Valahari revisited (I was there briefly the day before): Dido OOC (Out of Character) II

My US friend Zen met me last evening at Valahari, the medieval RP sim  he joined a few weeks ago. He is a knight at the realm Westenguard and very enthousiastic about the place. I am a curious girl so I was happy to be able to walk around under his protection. 

Zen looked awesome in his classy armour and of course I had to change into something 'sim suitable' too. At the entrance of the sim you can find all the stuff you need: free hud, observer tag and medieval/elve clothes (male and female). There is a box filled with nice goodies: medieval clothes, elve stuff and more, but I guess I am picky as I opted to put on my Lady Caroline RP dress (... fashionista speaking).

   the library in my lady Caroline dress ;-)

Pfff, allways so many things you have to do before you can enter and start exploring an RP sim (my impatient nature sorry). Zen showed me around town: the library, a cute little church and the bath house. The sim is awesome, tasteful and made with an eye for detail.

I asked Zen why he entered this medieval RP. He told me he had been in other RP's before in his past SL life, but particularly chose this sim because he really liked the people, the story/rules, the atmosphere and he loves acting (in SL as well as in RL). 

We went to the bar, where we talked and I picked up the following conversation:

Vale XX  hums the rest of the music and then falls silent. He picks up his ale and wets his throat.

Hope XX turns from the counter to grab a wooden trencher from one of he high shelves. She cuts off several slices from the haunch of venison roasting over the fire; flames spitting and hissing as the juices splatter down. "I hope you liek it medium rare?" she calls back over a shoulder, tapping booted toes in time with the bard's tune. A loaf of bread, some cooked vegetables and cheese should round out the meal nicely.

Wow, thats emoting! Zen loves it and I was impressed, but unfortunately I am a lousy 'emoter' (English not being my native language and my impatient nature) but do enjoy listening.

We left the bar, without Zen offering me a drink..., maybe he thought the place was not fit enough for a lady ..... (big smile).

Zen introduced me to his friend the Dragon. He told me they had been fighting for the hand of the princess. The Dragon had beaten him, implicating he will marry the princess this Sunday. Zen invited me to join him at this wedding. I love to.

The Dragon beckoned us to the open field at the other side of the town gates where he put on a show (blowing ice at us). I shoot some pics but that Dragon is enormous.. do hope my pictures give you an idea of its measures.

After the Dragon left Zen en me we talked about SL and SL family. He told me he would love to be my family. So now I have a brother who is a knight... does that make me a lady ....?
I took an awesome pic of us, we both have put in our profiles.
Thanks so much darling for showing me around brother ;-)  

Interested in visiting Valahari ? Don't hesitate and go you'll love it!

Dikke kus

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Out Of Character I

'Dido OOC (Out of Character) day'.

It all started with an IM of my US friend Zen early Wednesday morning (late his night) when he invited to give me a tour at Westenguard. I accepted his invitation but had to leave too soon. I returned an evening later: see my blog OOC II.

In the evening I met Barry, my Aussie friend who is a warrior named Snake in Gor. Yep nickname Snake because Barry in RL has several big snakes he keeps as pets in and around his house (arghh).

He offered to show me the fort of his clan/tribe? at Peril Isle. At the dock (my arrival place was the large shop near the boat, where you can find all free and non-free stuff you need to enter a Gorean sim) there was a 'slave market board' with many pics of avi's and prices.

Barry explained anyone can place their picture there accompanied by a notecard which gives info about characteristics/preferences and mentioning the period you are prepared to be somebodies slave (a few days/weeks).

Barry his picture was up there too, with a bid of 1200 L$ for his services during 3 days. Not bad as I saw other bids of only 50 L$.
He explained that half of the money is for the slave and the other half goes to the sim. Smart idea to gather money for rental, etc.

Wow I liked the idea and wanted to advertise and offer to be a slave for 1 day. For sure an exciting experience ;-). However, there was no free space. Damn, now I will have to return to Gor.

Do hope, however, there is someone out there who is prepared to pay more than 50 L$ for my services. Keep you posted on that issue ;-)

 the boat where you can get a free hud and enter the sim

Behind bars and nailed at a cross (that's what they do to prisoners)

Barry showed me around, I took pics of the prison cells and while doing so a raid started, with lots of fighting going on. We were OOC and therefore save, but had to keep at a distance. I loved the scene, but I sensed Barry would have loved to join his comrades. He likes the fighting, the friendship more than he does the emoting part. 

Like me he doesn't have much patience...: I noticed he got restless when it took me some time to take pictures. He loves the action, the excitement and the fun of the fighting and is rather good at it.

prisoners being unconscious 

the entrance to the sim: the boat 

I loved my OOC-day and will return soon to put my picture on that board. Do hope a nice guy will bid loads of money to spend a day with me and not an asshole. And will the lucky one survive a day with Dido ...?

Dikke kus

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Impressed by Immersiva - Bryn Oh's creation

Last evening was one of those evenings when SL makes me truly feel happy. I was exploring (one of the reasons I joined SL in the first place) 'Immersiva' the sim of Bryn Oh, a virtual artist. Wow what a place!

What made me even more happy was that I met Bryn, she was very kind, showed me around and explained how to explore the place/follow the Rabbicorn story line: tp-ing from skybox to skybox one amazing scene following the other. Every place provides info by means of a poem (written by Bryn), sculptures of the rabbicorn and other creatures (all made by Bryn) and all hidden secrets. Well not gonna tell you all, go and find out yourself!

I truly love the place and stayed there till far after midnight. Arghh I could not tear myself away from the screen. I did my utmost to capture the beauty into some pictures, which of course is impossible. You really have to go and explore yourself. Don't forget to change your sky settings according to the instructions you can obtain when entering the sim. It adds to the atmosphere of the place. 

Some urls:





Dikke kus

Friday, 15 January 2010

A Plastik Courtisane

I love The Plastik mini dresses they are my favourite, easy to wear/combine, no fuzz adjusting and always super sexy and classy. I started my 'collection' months ago with a black and a gold boudoir dress, that I combined with my then favourite Milk Motion admiral jacket, but now ... omg I have so many Plastik dresses. My last acquisition is the red (Temptress) Courtesan dress as shown in the pics below.

Last evening I went out dancing in my new dress, combined it with my Aoharu leather jacket and red Courtisane Hors d'Haleine boots. Because I wanted really hot red lips I changed into the Exodi Sienna Nuit skin. Made me feel sexy this look and I was not the only one as I received compliments being told 'tonight you look so lovely'.
/me purs ..... hey I am a girl and love compliments ;-)

Dikke kus

Skin:  Exodi Sienna Nuit - Ornamental
Hair:  The Abyss Oxygen
Dress: The Plastik Courtesan, Temptress
Jacket: Aoharu RollUPRiders (http://exploringslwithdido.blogspot.com/2009/11/leather-jacket.html)

Boots: Courtisane Hors d'Haleine red
Bracelet: XTC Shirley

Thursday, 14 January 2010


My Canadian friend with Italian roots Patrizio (I call him Pat) sent me several nice pictures he took of us on my veranda. Unlike most men I know, he takes nice pics (sorry guys). Not so surprising as he is an amateur photographer in RL. Don't we look awesome ;-)
How I love the carpet, such beautiful bright colours in this picture. I would love to have a similar one in RL.

Skin: Douch Touch
Hair: Magika
Dress: Bare Rose
Shoes: Maitreya Ixkin

Not sure about Pat's skin and hair. I will ask him next time I see him ;-)
Pictures taken at my home at Legion Triumphant.

Dikke kus

Wednesday, 13 January 2010


Yesterday evening my dear friend Michiel sent me an LM of a Steampunk sim LPP* SteamPunk & Cyber Doll
He said: 'Dido, you will like this place, can take nice pics there'. Soooo I went and this is the result ;-)
I tp-ed my friend Svenlo, who happened to be wearing a Steampunk captains outfit of Industrial Steampunk Megaplex. Awesome isn't he?
In the first 2 pictures I used AM Radio windlight, love the weirdo effect.

The Plastik dress
Coco leggings
LeeZu Baxter blouse
Skin: Dutch Touch
Earrings: Zaara
Hair: Analog dog gift hair; I changed the colour into dark brown  ;-)

Dikke kus

The Castle of Guimarães

This week I visited the castle of Guimarães, a Portugese sim based on the RL castle/city of Guimarães. This is a medieval RP place and visitors entering are asked to wear medieval clothes, which are provided when entering. 
I really liked the place and tp-ed my friend Sparks, who reluctantly changed into the medieval clothes. I understand: mmm cannot say he looks sexy and flashy in them. Look at his shoes .... (big smile).

But... the changing into medieval clothes proved to be worthwhile. The sim is a fun place to explore. Big castle, habour, tournament place, etc. Enjoy!

Dikke kus

Thursday, 7 January 2010


OMG skins there are so many awesome looking skins nowadays. They are getting more and more realistic. I love the nude, realistic looking skins, they are my favourites.
I am rather faithfull to my skin and wear the same for several weeks/months in a row (in the old days I wore them even longer). But.... I also love to try and change features when one of my favourite skin shops has new skin or a sale. Cannot deny a good skin. I simply have to go to the shop and try it....

During the lasts months I have been addicted to the skins of League (Misty), Tuli (Eva and Bella) and Dutch Touch (Cleo). Although now and then I have a fling for Exodi, Chai, Belleza, Rockberry, Redgrave, and a few others ;-)
My folder skins is a large one so I decided last week to clean and throw away a few of the freebee skins. Arghhh although I never wear them, it still was painfull to put them into the bin.

When I read the subscribo note from Dutch Touch that there was a SALE  going on (50% discount on several skins from the Dune, Mauve, Cleo and Jolie collection) I went to Dutch Touch immediately and... bought another DT skin. This time the sulky face Mauve, Extreme. Wow I really look like a spoilt brat.

DT skin Cleo, Smokey in Olive

DT skin Mauve, Xtreme in Olive

Dikke zoen

The Maya Empior

Yesterday evening I visited the Ancient Maya civilization. Wow what a place to visit. I admit it does take some time before you can enter: you have to read (at least some of) the extensive guidelines for this RP site, which are rather strict. For instance: only black or brown hair & no 'normal' clothes allowed. Mmm I am a dark haired girl 99% of the time so no problem for me.
The female outfit, including a tribal jewel is really awesome.

After reading the rules/explanation, getting a meter, clothes, a bow and arrows I entered the place. As a visitor you should wear a tag, which is part of the rather noob long black hair. Consider it my bad hair day when you spot me playing drums at the temple on the pictures below.I loved the place although my visit was of course far too short. I will return soon.

Dikke kus

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Egyptian princess....

I love this light (AM Radio Nostalgia in my Emerald viewer) it gives this picture such a weirdo look. Especially with the tattoo, the skin and the necklace I look like an Egyptian princess ;-)

Dikke kus

Friday, 1 January 2010