aanhef blog

aanhef blog

Thursday 21 January 2010

Out Of Character I

'Dido OOC (Out of Character) day'.

It all started with an IM of my US friend Zen early Wednesday morning (late his night) when he invited to give me a tour at Westenguard. I accepted his invitation but had to leave too soon. I returned an evening later: see my blog OOC II.

In the evening I met Barry, my Aussie friend who is a warrior named Snake in Gor. Yep nickname Snake because Barry in RL has several big snakes he keeps as pets in and around his house (arghh).

He offered to show me the fort of his clan/tribe? at Peril Isle. At the dock (my arrival place was the large shop near the boat, where you can find all free and non-free stuff you need to enter a Gorean sim) there was a 'slave market board' with many pics of avi's and prices.

Barry explained anyone can place their picture there accompanied by a notecard which gives info about characteristics/preferences and mentioning the period you are prepared to be somebodies slave (a few days/weeks).

Barry his picture was up there too, with a bid of 1200 L$ for his services during 3 days. Not bad as I saw other bids of only 50 L$.
He explained that half of the money is for the slave and the other half goes to the sim. Smart idea to gather money for rental, etc.

Wow I liked the idea and wanted to advertise and offer to be a slave for 1 day. For sure an exciting experience ;-). However, there was no free space. Damn, now I will have to return to Gor.

Do hope, however, there is someone out there who is prepared to pay more than 50 L$ for my services. Keep you posted on that issue ;-)

 the boat where you can get a free hud and enter the sim

Behind bars and nailed at a cross (that's what they do to prisoners)

Barry showed me around, I took pics of the prison cells and while doing so a raid started, with lots of fighting going on. We were OOC and therefore save, but had to keep at a distance. I loved the scene, but I sensed Barry would have loved to join his comrades. He likes the fighting, the friendship more than he does the emoting part. 

Like me he doesn't have much patience...: I noticed he got restless when it took me some time to take pictures. He loves the action, the excitement and the fun of the fighting and is rather good at it.

prisoners being unconscious 

the entrance to the sim: the boat 

I loved my OOC-day and will return soon to put my picture on that board. Do hope a nice guy will bid loads of money to spend a day with me and not an asshole. And will the lucky one survive a day with Dido ...?

Dikke kus

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