aanhef blog

aanhef blog

Sunday 1 April 2012

Angel Labs a place worth exploring

Above photos of Angel Labs where Nitro and I live.
Nitro created the sim with love and attention and we like to share the beauty of this place with others and welcome all that wish to visit.
There are dancing and cuddle balls and an enormous gallery (the Fireguard Gallery) with exhibits of various artists as well as a permanent exhibition of my work ^^. 
I am happy and proud to inform you that my brother Michiel Bechir will be exhibiting his awesome work starting next week.

Here's your taxi to our home 'Angel Labs'
Cu there
dikke kus
Nitro & Dido


  1. Beautiful pictures, Dido and thanks for inviting me over to your gallery!

  2. Thanks so much Michiel for exhibiting at Nitroglobus Gallery!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    dikke kus
