aanhef blog

aanhef blog

Sunday, 30 May 2010

Last dance at Legion Triumphant

As you probably know I will have to leave my awesome home at Legion Triumphant coz my landlord Alphons stops with the sim. Awww I have always loved this place soooo much, the sounds of the ocean, the sunsets, the atmosphere, the serenity, the beauty of it all.

But all things must come to an end and my stay at Legion will end tomorrow. I will return to Tohl sim, where I rented a small island. More about that to come.

Alphons my landlord was inworld this afternoon and we danced and talked. Made me feel a bit melancholic as I will miss his presence too. He was not often there but on the other hand he is the creator of the sim, his taste, his atmosphere.

Last dance and well you know me, of course I could not resist and took a few pics ..

Digit Darkes Antigua-Viola dress
No idea if it's still available or even if the shop exists as I have this dress for ages.

Dikke kus

Taylor - new League skin

Don't be startled but to give you a good impression of Taylor the new League skin I undressed.

Yeah I bought another skin. I know I already have so many. But this one awww... ;-)
My SL profile picture also shows me in League skin: Misty, which is ubersexy with awesome lips. This one has super lips too. Love them and prefer the nude version, although the other make-ups are awesome too.

I bought Taylor BlackIce Sunkiss. For almost L$ 1200 you get 8 skin options: frex, hair and cleavage. Oh and I shouldn't forget to mention there are also 2 layers for shaved pubic area, which I don't use as I like the small landing strip.

Dikke kus

Awesome Plastik skin

Last Friday, being at home again and able to move around, I went to shop for 50 Linden Friday stuff. Plastik, one of my fav shops, had an awesome gift called Blue Damask, consisting of skin, eyes, a complete outfit in many different layers, armwarmers in 2 colors and leggings. Wow, I love the skin especially the freckled version.

So presenting Dido in Plastik LionHeart-Tale-Psyche skin (pfff long word.

MINA Jean hair.

Goth1c0 chain necklace black metal.

Dikke kus

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Back home - new gifts from LaVie skin & Pig socks

Hi I am home after 4 weeks Japan. Was an awesome holiday!

Anyway I wanted to blog and decided to show you some new stuff. Here it is:
This evening I received 2 gift:
  • Pig socks with suspenders. They look cool, however you cannot wear shoes anymore as the suspenders use the shoe option.
  • LaVie Kira skin gift in 3 colours: bronze, dark and normal. I am wearing normal in the pics. The skin has tattoos in the face and all over the body. I like it on Dido. However, not to wear as an everyday skin. Hey, girl it's a gift remember ... ;-)
I adore the Maitreya bra top, but hey I am a fan of Maitreya. Awesome stuff.
The Coco cardigan is super too, as is the high waisted Sassy skirt, which is  a gift too btw.

Yeah have to be carefull spending money nowadays, as I will loose my awesome island/home at Legion Triumphant. My landlord Alphons stops with the sim. So I will be homeless on 1st June and looking for a place now. Any suggestions? IM me pls.


Hair:         MINA Jean black
Skin:         LaVie Kia Skin normal Gift 27th May
Eyes:        Poetic Colors Easter Lilac - freebie
Top:          Maitreya Bra top black 2
Skirt:         Sassy Kitty Designs High Waisted Black Skirt (Gift)
Cardigan:   Coco Cardigan lace
Socks:       Pig- Argyle Sock M. Suspender - Hortense Gift 27th May
Gloves:      XTC Shirley Lace gloves

Dikke kus

Monday, 24 May 2010

4 weeks without SL fashion

Tomorrow I will fly home.
I truly enjoyed my 4 weeks holiday in Japan and although I was in SL now and then on my travel laptop I merely used SL as a chat platform coz I could hardly move. So hunting freebees or shopping around was no fun at all. I did not follow the SL fashion blogs either. Am I a SL fashion noob now as time in SL is so fast, OMG....

Sooo, I have been without SL fashion for 4 weeks. However, I did see lots of RL Japanese fashion here that reminded me of the stuff I see in SL in the many Japanese shops.

Most Japanese fashion in my opinion is extremely 'girlie', especially the Harajuku style. Fun to watch the Harajuku walking around in their weirdo costumes. I visiting some of the shops: cheap fun stuff, bad quality in general, lots of pink and flowers, schoolgirlie, nurse and other sexy outfits. And the shoes ... ;-)
The whole area smells of sweet pancakes which you can buy on every streetcorner with different topics.

See you in SL when I am back home.
Dikke kus

Friday, 14 May 2010

My RL holiday in Japan and an update

Wow RL travelling through Japan right now for 4 weeks and it is super and sooo different. Enjoying myself and little time for SL. After all there is one real world that counts and that is RL.

Just to keep  you posted a short update about my SL life. I managed to be in SL with my travel laptop a few times (could hardly move so I can assure you it is less fun).
One important thing happened: I am a free girl again. My affair with Eskimo man is over, finished, basta.
No worries, I feel 'me' again and sort of relieved as well: Dido is not made for a steady SL relationship.  I have one in RL that is enough ;-)
Thanks Bas I enjoyed our exploring a lot ;-)

I spoke to Alphons, my landlord a few days ago, which I liked a lot, however, he informed me he will stop paying for the sim. So I will be homeless soon.
Soooo kept you posted.

Dikke kus