Yesterday I was shopping at Maitreya after receiving a message that there are several new items in store: short trench jackets, skirts and an awesome top called Bastille. Onyx LeShelle does it again, and keeps amazing us with her trendy, stylish, high quality designs.
As I stood there in front of the Bastille tops, drooling, there was a girl named Seville wearing the Bastille top in orange. Wow, it looked awesome on her dark skin. I told her so in IM.
I was surprised and thrilled when she gave me money for a top, telling me to buy one. Wow so sweet of her.
wearing Maitreya bastille top; demo PF Ember Beestung skin (should I buy?)
As always it was difficult for me to decide which color to buy (me sighs). I asked Seville for help, after all it was her present. She suggested the yellow/gold one, which was one of my favorites. So happy with my yellow Bastille top ;-).
Thanks and hugs Seville!
Later that evening I went to Pink Fuel (PF) shop with Ner to drool over the Ember skin. The Ember, Beestung make-up makes me look so sweet, don't you agree? Should I buy?
Dikke kus
Skin: demo Pink Fuel Ember maple Beestung
Hair: MINA Jean hair black
Skirt: Plastik SephiraDenim Dalia
Socks: Miel Lo Refurbished socks multicolor