aanhef blog

aanhef blog

Monday, 28 October 2019


Finally this evening, after several failed attempts to enter SL, I was able to explore a bit. I have to thank Ed for all the LM's of great places he gives me. 
I visited Carolina, a romantic place created by Arol Lightfoot, which is in autumn mood with leaves falling, lots of birds, horses and more. Carolina also has many cuddle poses, sooo do visit with your loved one. 
Some images to get you into the autumn mood.

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

October exhibition @ Nitroglobus gallery

the poster made by Nevereux

Yesterday, 21 October was the opening party for the exhibition 'A beautiful Collapse' by Nevereux & 'CRISP' by Kaiju Kohimen.

This exhibition deals with current topics in the fast changing world we live in today.

'A Beautiful Collapse' is about societal unraveling and the sharp decline of our general values. It provides a series of polaroids meant for a supreme entity to understand humankind and what led us to extinction. It’s helplessness and hopelessness coming together.

'CRISP' is about a Chinese scientist who took CRISP science a bit further and crossed more a few lines.
In the three months since he announced the birth of twin girls with edited genomes, the questions facing the scientific community have grown knottier.
By engineering mutations into human embryos, which were then used to produce babies, He leaped capriciously into an era in which science could rewrite the gene pool of future generations, by altering the human germ line.

Here's your taxi to Nitroglobus

Some of the many snapshots, I made yesterday at the opening party:

the key players: Nevereux, Kai and DJ Ferdy

some of the visitors

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Furillen is back

my friend and I ;-)

Yeah, Furillen the awesome sim of Serene Footman is BACK, you hear correctly, it's back!
I went there and made lots and lots of snapshots and will give you the LM to go there and enjoy and recall memories. 

cool weirdo rooms in the hotel

Expected very soon: the October exhibition @ Nitroglobus

This exhibition, which will be in place by Saturday 19 October, deals with current topics in the fast changing world we live in today.
Really proud and happy to present 'A Beautiful Collapse' by Nevereux & 'CRISP' by Kaiju (Kai) Kohime at Nitroglobus.

'A Beautiful Collapse' is about societal unraveling and the sharp decline of our general values. It provides a series of polaroids meant for a supreme entity to understand humankind and what led us to extinction. It’s helplessness and hopelessness coming together.

'CRISP' is about a Chinese scientist who took CRISP science a bit further and crossed more a few lines.
In the three months since he announced the birth of twin girls with edited genomes, the questions facing the scientific community have grown knottier.
By engineering mutations into human embryos, which were then used to produce babies, He leaped capriciously into an era in which science could rewrite the gene pool of future generations, by altering the human germ line.

Opening party for the exhibition will be on Monday 21 October, starting at 12 pm SLT (= 21 hrs Amsterdam time).
Music by DJ Ferdy

taxi to Nitroglobus gallery

Huntington Beach by Jade Koltai: a great place to visit

Today I visited Huntington Beach, a sim made by Jade Koltai.  
As she did before, in cooperation with Serene Footman, Jade now on her own designed an existing RL place in SL: Huntington Beach. 
Great job coz SL Huntington beach is a lovely place to wander around, very well made with an eye for details. I loved also the many different cool animations, the barking dog on the beach, the goats in the deserted grassland, the suitcases in front of the motel, and more. Huntington beach is a place worthwhile visiting, but hey what else can one expect from an expert builder like Jade. 

Huntington Beach is a seaside city in Orange County in Southern California, located 35 miles southeast of Downtown Los Angeles. RL inspiration for this sim you'll find here  

Some more snapshots:
thanks David for the tp

 we Dutch like to cycle

Naxos came with lunch :-)

 strange beach view

better look to the other side

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Last day of exhibition 'Night walks' & 'Crossing over' at Nitroglobus

I have been super happy with this September 2019 exhibition by Melusina Parkin (images entitled 'Night Walks') & Kai (Kaiju) Kohime (installation entitled 'Crossing Over' @ Nitroglobus.

'NIGHT WALKS: journeys into a dark world'
- Streets are empty in the night. While we walk through them, we can hear the sound of our steps and of our breathing, the rare noise of sizzling lights, a dog barking afar, the noise of a motor that struggles to start. All this can make us feel peaceful and calm, but it's also a bit unsettling -

- The vertical small worlds we used to live in, illustrated by male white religious oppression, is slowly tilting towards a more horizontal and more human engagement. This installation is about the continuing struggle between verticalism and a horizontal way of thinking and being, about the masks we put on to protect ourselves from our mirror image -

I will change exhibition tomorrow, soooo hurry if you still want to visit and sit in the cathedral and confess all your SL sins ;-)

Here's your taxi to Nitroglobus.

Dikke kus

Pumpkin heads at Nostalgia Falls (exploring)

I haven't been blogging for ages, but I will try to pick up and blog about places I visit AND of course exhibition at my gallery (Nitroglobus), which will be my next post :-)

This post is about Nostalgia Falls a lovely well made nature sim with lots of pumpkins and a haunted house. Great poses everywhere. The one I loved most was stepping into an old car (not the drivers seat btw). Super cool. 
I visited with my friend Ed Rhode, who is a great explorer and places all the images of sims he visits on his Flickr account with LM's included. Do have a look.

 telephone booth with cool poses

 soo many cool pumpkins 

the haunted house 

That's it for now.
Dikke kus