The Outer Garden is an enchanting place, created by Bisou Dexler, a male avi from Japan. I love the atmosphere of the place, especially the abandoned room with the frayed wallpaper, the dusty piano and all the furniture swept in a heap. The Outer Garden breaths great taste and the use of quality textures is obvious.
Bisou has a blogpost about this awesome place in which he indicates that on 16 December he (re)opened the Outer Garden for the public. Reason was the many requests from people who told him they were sad and concerned coz the garden was closed.
Bisou writes in his blogpost: 'The quiet kindness that Aki (his SL partner) showed me as I reopened the garden, as it had been before, seemed to sink into me. I decorated the garden every day, little by little, to light up the garden with the graceful warmth that Aki showed me.I hope this kindness will be conveyed to everyone who comes to my garden. That's why my garden is only complete when you come to it. I hope you like the white garden.
Many thanks and yearning to my dear Aki. No matter how much I thank you, it will never be enough.'
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