aanhef blog

aanhef blog

Friday 22 November 2019

Fusion - Fleur de Sel

Fusion - Fleur de Sel, is a Japanese look and feel place, not very large but well done with great textures. The designer is Elizabeth Nantes, who seems to have a reputation in building great sims.
It's fun to walk around here, have some food, sake, relax in nature, follow a class, or sit in the teachers room and have a coffee.
Jules accompanied me on this exploring trip and we had great fun and many laughs. Thanks Jules for your patience when I ordered you to: don't move/stay 😉.

in the classroom

relaxing in the teachers room

she didn't say anything ...., but the food was nice

tea or ice cream?

into the wild


a sake to finish our trip

at the school yard

A very appropriate song (btw one of my big favourites): Ane Brun - Big in Japan

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